The Beginner's Guide to Reptile Thermostats

Posted on June 16 2024, By: Aquarium Dimensions

The Beginner's Guide to Reptile Thermostats

Why Reptile Thermostats are Important

Reptiles are ectotherms, which means they are dependent on external temperature and cannot warm up themselves. In nature, they can bask on hot rocks in sunlight, but when they are in captivity, they require a heat source.

However, that heat source must be the correct temperate. This is why a reptile thermostat is necessary for maintaining a consistent, correct temperature.

What is a Reptile Thermostat?

A reptile thermostat is a device that can assist in regulating the temperature of your terrarium and ensure a comfortable living environment for your pets. You connect devices like thermal heat pads or heaters to it instead of directly plugging them into mains outlets.

The thermostat comes with one or more temperature sensors that must be installed inside the enclosure or terrarium. Users can set a temperature range for the outlet. Whenever the temperature falls below the minimum threshold defined by the user, the thermostat will power on the heater. In case the temperature rises above the maximum value, the thermostat will cut power to the socket, thereby switching off the heater.

Some reptile thermostats with multiple probes may have a humidity sensor, too. They can be used to attach a device like a humidifier or a dehumidifier.

Single vs. Multiple Probe Reptile Thermostats

Reptile thermostats may come with a single sensor or multiple sensors. Devices that have two outlets may use two sensors, one for each of the outlets. You can use the thermostat for connecting two devices at the same time. Some of them may support heating and cooling devices simultaneously.

A single probe reptile thermostat is suitable for small cages and enclosures. The temperature variance in them is minimal, and the difference between the temperatures of opposite sides won’t be significant. Reptile thermostats with a single probe can be used for reptile species that are not as sensitive to temperature changes.

Reptile thermostats with multiple probes are ideal for large cages or enclosures. They have at least two temperature sensors, one of which can be placed on one side of the terrarium and the other on the opposite side. Having two points of measurement ensures a more consistent temperature throughout the reptile’s habitat. It is excellent for species that are highly sensitive to temperature changes.


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