Aquarium and Fish Information
The latest news, information, and announcements from The Pleco Feeder.
6 Popular Fish Tank Stands: Pros and Cons
Reviews of stands from Ameriwood, Imagitarium, Aquatic Fundamentals, Coralife, Aqueon, and Ameriwood. Nothing paid. No sponsored content. No affiliate links.
Sun, Jun 16, 24
CHARTS: How Much Fish Tanks Weigh, by Size
These charts show how much fish tanks (from small to large) weigh when empty and when filled.
The Beginner's Guide to Reptile Thermostats
Reptiles are ectotherms. If you're going to keep one in your tank, you'll need a thermometer.
The Pros and Cons of Nano Aquariums
Many people love the idea of having an aquarium, but having enough space can be a big hurdle.
The Beginner's Guide to Submersible Fish Tank Filters
Learn the pros and cons of submersible fish tank filters, as well as a few tips on what to look for when buying them.
Best Media For Biofilter Aquariums
Biological filtration is a general term for the purification of water by bacteria that eliminate harmful ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite from aquarium water.
10 Terrific Aquarium Filters
Sure, they remove what's bad, but they don't stop there. They promote beneficial bacteria, too.